Washington County, Ohio Barn Quilts List
– Feb 12, 2016
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
OH-84-01 Washington Double Wedding Ring Harry Irvile 07-2015 N39 20.103 W81 45.352 SE of Cutler, Decatur Township. OH555 SE (curves S.) 2.8 miles from Ctuler to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 6851.
OH-84-02   Card Trick Watson Farm 07-2015 N39 17.230 W81 39.262 W. of Belpre, Belpre Township. OH339 N. 0.2 miles from jct with US50 W. of Belpre, E. on Watson Ln. 0.2 miles to the quilt at 216.
OH-84-03   Monkey Wrench Tom & Jan Barrett 07-2015 N39 16.303 W81 34.596 In Belpre. OH618 (Washington Blvd) W. 0.4 miles from jct with US50, S. on Stone Rd. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 110.
OH-84-04   Indian Star Barlow Fairgrounds 07-2015 N39 23.977 W81 40.073 In Barlow. OH550 W. 250' from jct with OH339, N. into fairgrounds 0.15 miles to the quilt to the E.
OH-84-05   Four Points in the Middle Barlow Fairgrounds 07-2015 N39 24.067 W81 40.039 In Barlow. OH339 N. 0.1 miles from jct with OH550, W. into fairgrounds & turn N. 0.1 miles to the quilt to the W.
OH-84-06   Ohio Star Sweetapple Farm 07-2015 N39 22.802 W81 40.111 N. of Vincent, Barlow Township. Sweetapple Rd. NE 250' from jct with Layman Rd. on the N. side of Vincent to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 143.
OH-84-07   An American Star Washington County 07-2015 N39 26.416 W81 27.450 In Marietta. OH60 (Muskingum Dr.) N. 0.85 miles from jct with 3rd St., E. on Davis Av. 0.15 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 202 up a driveway 250'.